Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mothers day heartache

My sweet cousin Katie and her husband Tagg recieved news on mothers day that their baby's heart had stopped beating. Zachary Tucker Peterson was due to be born on July 4th, but Heavenly Father had a different plan in mind, and called him home. Its been a rough week for all of us, and I can't even imagine the heartache that Katie and Tagg are experiencing right now. A girl that Katie works with posted this song for her and it is so amazing that I had to share it as well! may want to grab some kleenex before really listening to the words. Katie and Tagg have been such examples of Love and Strength, but could use all the prayers they can get right now. Please pray for them, I know Heavenly Father hears our prayers! And though at this time we wonder why, we know that our Father knows all and we trust in his plan. We love you Katie and Tagg!


  1. Shayna, thank you so much for your post. It makes it a little easier knowing we have so many people that love us and are praying for us. We love our little guy and we can't wait to be with him again one day!

  2. I am so sorry for your family's loss! It is sad that it takes things like this to really put things in perspective and make us be grateful for what we have. Hope that your cousins are comforted in their testimonies. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Mothers day will never be the same for us anymore!!
